Your time matters

Shorten waiting time
Cancel appointments
Shorten your waiting time

Do you want to shorten your waiting time? You can sign up to receive offers for cancelled appointments. When an appointment becomes available, you’ll receive a notification and then you can accept it.

Reschedule and cancel appointments

You can easily reschedule and cancel your appointments on Zymego’s website, at your convenience.

Request days that suit you

If you don’t find a suitable appointment in the rescheduling calendar, you can request days that suit you, and Zymego will book you in as soon as an appointment becomes available.

Book new appointment

You can book a new appointment at some clinics directly in Zymego’s portal. Visit the clinic’s website and see what applies to them.

Use our support channel and we'll help you.

Zymego has been used by over 70.000 patients in primary and secondary care 

Frequently asked questions

No, you only need to log on to this Zymego website or via the link you received from your clinic. When you have identified yourself with BankID, you can reschedule, cancel and receive offers for earlier appointments.

With Zymego, you can shorten your waiting time by getting offers for earlier appointments, when appointments become available because of other patient cancellations. Once you have logged in and signed up to receive offers for earlier appointments, you will receive notifications when appointments become available. In addition, you can easily reschedule and cancel your appointment. Some clinics also offer their patients the ability to book new appointments, linking to Zymego directly from their website or by sending out links, after you have been in contact with the clinic. Visit your clinic’s website to see what applies to them.

You always receive confirmation via text message and email if you have rescheduled or cancelled your appointment. If you have rescheduled your appointment, you can always see your new appointment on

We handle personal data in accordance with GDPR. Zymego has been developed with a strong focus on data security and continuously follows the latest security recommendations.